Aspirational Ethics
We make choices with integrity and the highest level of ethics possible. We value doing the right thing, even if it takes longer or is less common. We seek to treat clients the way we would want ourselves and our loved ones to be treated if the roles were reversed. We pursue justice, fairness, and equity.
Clinical Excellence
We’re lifelong learners and committed to providing the highest quality services. We stay on top of the latest research, engage in regular consultation and supervision with field experts, have keen clinical skills, and actively pursue advanced training to continually provide our clients with the best possible care.
While many counselors would claim to be trauma-informed and specialized, our team has pursued and completed various forms of training to equip each to provide therapy using the best practices, and offer a preferred client experience.
We’re committed to providing the best atmosphere for our clients and our team. We provide superior counseling services and advocate for best practices in our field.
We practice what we preach to our clients. We don’t tell clients to do something that we ourselves haven’t done or would be willing to do. We work within our scope of practice and pursue proper training to advertise for our specialties. We seek to reconcile our wrongs into rights.
Emotionally Healthy Clinicians
Wellness is multidimensional, and health is more than simply the absence of illness. We cannot be good therapists if we ourselves are not well as people. In a world of wounded healers, Sea Glass clinicians stand out as being committed to not just talking the talk – but actually walking the walk – of pursuing health, wellness, and wholeness in our own lives. We understand this pursuit as a lifelong journey, rather than an arrived destination.
Authentic Relationships
Hurt and healing both occur within the context of relationship. Profound healing is only possible through the boundaries of a safe, healthy relationship. We are thorough, thoughtful, kind, considerate, honest, humble, warm, and collaborative. We offer authenticity and attunement and create spaces for genuine connection and community.
We strive to maintain balance and boundaries for our staff in order to provide our clients with the best possible experience and model healthy relational qualities within the therapeutic relationship.
We believe in clients’ rights to choose their provider and make informed decisions about their treatment. We believe in clients’ rights to privacy about their health information. We support clients to reach their own goals for their life and trust their lived experiences.
We trust our team to do what is right and make sound clinical decisions. We’re responsible to our clients, not for them. We take responsibility for the decisions we make and the impact we have on others.
Holistic Collaboration
We view our clients through a trauma-informed, bio-psycho-social lens and treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. We recognize the limits of our scope of practice and value the unique roles of other healthcare providers, wellness professionals, and spiritual leaders. We value building relationships with other types of professionals in our community, sharing resources, and collaborating on client care when appropriate.
We view other mental health therapists as our community, not competition, and believe there is room for all at the table. We refer out to our trusted mental health colleagues when we do not have the expertise needed to support a potential client in their healing journey.