Virtual EMDR Intensives in Ohio

Sea Glass is Ohio's trusted leader in EMDR Intensives. We're honored to bring this model of therapy to Ohio - because the traditional model of weekly therapy isn't for everyone. EMDR Intensives provide customized support for targeted mental health and wellness goals, allowing you to knock out months of therapy in days.


Intensive EMDR Therapy in Ohio

A more efficient, cost-effective way of healing

Sea Glass is proud to be a leader in bringing EMDR Intensives to Ohio. Intensive EMDR is an incredible model of therapy that allows for significant healing in ways that just aren’t possible with weekly therapy. EMDR Intensives allow you to feel better, faster, at a fraction of the cost. What could be better?

Columbus Ohio EMDR Retreat

Research shows that online EMDR is just as effective as in-person. Get all the incredible benefits of EMDR therapy without the added hassle of traffic or sitting in an awkward waiting room.

One half day intensive is equivalent to MONTHS of therapy

Most Sea Glass clients reach their goals with just 3-12 EMDR Intensive sessions. Research supports that with EMDR Intensives, people need less overall treatment to reach their goals. EMDR Intensives are an up-front cost that are least expensive option in the long run.

Extended virtual EMDR sessions for highly concentrated, focused personal growth

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Intensives are an opportunity to condense your therapeutic experience and progress into a shorter period of time. EMDR Intensives are an accelerated therapy model that allows for healing and growth faster than possible with weekly therapy. Intensives are available virtually to adults located anywhere in Ohio. Learn more about EMDR therapy.

Retreat-style therapy in Ohio for trauma healing and anxiety relief

EMDR Intensives are essentially a multi-day mental health retreat. While traditional therapy is offered in a weekly hour-long format for months or years on end, Intensive EMDR allows you to experience the luxury of focusing solely on your healing and growth. Intensives allow you to find faster relief and long-lasting improvement.

Instead of weekly 50 minute sessions, you meet with a certified EMDR therapist for longer sessions, for 1-3 days per week. Think of it as your own personal trauma healing workshop. Ongoing EMDR is available if you’d like to address multiple goals.


Already have a therapist for weekly support? No problem! Intensive EMDR therapy can be an adjunct to your regular therapy experience. Learn more about adjunct EMDR.

“I definitely see now why some of the things in my adult life came from the foundation that was laid in my childhood. I wish I’d learned some of these things at a younger age. My EMDR Intensive was one of the best decisions I’ve made!”


EMDR Therapist Columbus Ohio

See if Intensive EMDR therapy is right for you. Learn why clients choose Sea Glass for an unparalleled healing experience from trauma, anxiety, and relationship concerns.


EMDR Intensives produce relief & results faster than possible with traditional weekly therapy, at a fraction of the overall cost. Get your life back.

Schedule a phone call to see if Intensive EMDR Therapy is right for you.
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Intensive EMDR Therapy Columbus Ohio

Why choose Intensive EMDR instead of traditional weekly therapy?

  • EMDR Intensives are designed to support your schedule. No need to attend weekly appointments for months, without an end date in sight. No more coordinating your schedule to accommodate a weekly therapy appointment.

  • Combining the compounding benefits of EMDR therapy with the benefits of working intensively - less overall therapy is needed to reach your goals. Even for complex trauma. Get out of therapy and on with your life!

  • EMDR Intensives are an up-front investment that is more cost-effective in the long run than weekly therapy. Traditional therapy for trauma, even with weekly EMDR, can take months or years.

  • Don't spend months sitting on someone's wait list for therapy. EMDR Intensives at Sea Glass allow you to skip the waitlist for weekly appointments - giving you faster access to select spots, including weekend appointments. Reach out today to schedule an EMDR Intensive in Ohio that will best fit with your life.

  • You’re working hard Monday through Friday, and it’s tough to find a therapist open on the weekends. Schedule your EMDR Intensive whenever works best for you! In-person EMDR Intensives may be available to clients local to the greater Columbus, Ohio area or those willing to travel.

  • EMDR Intensives at Sea Glass are a customized therapeutic experience for focused treatment goals. Think of it like your own personal trauma workshop. Your Intensive is a therapy retreat designed just for you and your healing goals. You’ll have an opportunity to partner with other holistic professionals to supplement and support your EMDR therapy.

  • Sea Glass was proud to introduce Ohio to the concept of EMDR Intensives. We have extensive training and experience in this model and have helped other clinicians develop similar offerings. Our therapists are highly trained in EMDR, mindfulness, and other trauma techniques. We pride ourselves on providing compassionate, personalized care with clinical excellence.

  • Your time is your most valuable asset. Replace the time you would have otherwise spent in weekly therapy - actually living your life and spending time where you'd most prefer. EMDR Intensives are personalized trauma healing workshops designed to support your schedule and timeline for healing.

  • Connect with your EMDR therapist, gain personal insight, and lay some groundwork prior to your Intensive session with our exclusive EMDR Intensive workbook - customized just for you.

  • We partner and collaborate with other holistic providers in Dublin, Powell, Columbus, and surrounding areas to support your healing and overall wellness inside and out and create an intensive retreat experience.

  • Sea Glass is based out of Dublin, OH, but that doesn't mean you have to be! Online EMDR Intensives are just as effective as in-person, and many people prefer them. Telehealth allows us to provide EMDR intensives to adults located anywhere in Ohio.

    In-person intensives may be available on the weekends (depending on the current covid situation) for clients local to the greater Columbus, Ohio area or to those willing to travel.

    Sometimes folks like to get away for the weekend and have a therapeutic retreat experience. If you are traveling to Columbus for an EMDR intensive at Sea Glass, you will be provided with more detailed information regarding hotels, transportation, etc.

How does it work?


Schedule a time that works best for you, and we'll give you a call. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions and make sure you feel comfortable moving forward.



Meet with a Certified EMDR Therapist for a 90-minute video session to clarify your goals and begin working through the earlier phases of EMDR therapy.



Find a quiet, safe location that you can engage in online EMDR sessions. We'll take breaks as needed to stretch and practice listening to your body. Your Intensive may include mindfulness practices, Internal Family Systems work, or other modalities as needed to help you reach your goals.


Connect with your EMDR therapist to evaluate your progress and identify next steps, which may include further intensive EMDR therapy, transitioning to weekly therapy, or concluding your therapeutic journey.

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You are worth the investment.


“I feel lighter, there’s a weight off my chest! I actually have energy for the first time. I was skeptical at first but I’m so glad I did this! Intensive EMDR has been such a valuable experience.”


EMDR Intensives are great for anyone who wants to benefit from a lot of therapy in a short amount of time.

One intensive is equivalent to MONTHS of therapy. We’re not kidding! EMDR therapy addresses the psychological and physical symptoms stemming from adverse life experiences. EMDR is not just for trauma; it is also used for performance enhancement. EMDR Intensives are therapy for lasting change, not just therapy for support.


“I was constantly crying, sad, and bogged down by everything. I feel so much lighter and more prepared for when things happen in the future.”


Intensive EMDR has helped our clients heal from:

  • Negative beliefs about themselves

  • Trauma and PTSD symptoms

  • Childhood trauma and emotional neglect

  • Sexual trauma

  • Car accidents

  • Betrayal trauma and infidelity

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Chronic pain

  • Performance anxiety experienced by executives, public speakers, teachers, athletes, and others

  • Vaginismus and other sexual concerns

  • Purity culture and other spiritual trauma

  • Vicarious trauma and burnout experienced by healthcare workers, therapists, and first responders

  • Birth trauma and other negative medical experiences

“I would’ve saved myself a lot of pain if I had done this sooner.”


EMDR Intensives have helped our clients work towards:

  • Improving self esteem

  • Anxiety and depression relief

  • Better sleep

  • Being able to attend an upcoming personal and work events with confidence and peace

  • Feeling more comfortable in their body and increasing mind-body connection

  • Feeling confident walking down the aisle

  • Reducing intrusive thoughts from OCD

  • Healing from purity culture and experiencing shame-free sex

  • Recovering from mental and physical effects from birth trauma

  • Increasing workplace, academic, and athletic performance

“I’m not anxious anymore to be at work. I feel confident knowing I’m doing the right thing. I’m able to see patients and get through my shifts without feeling on edge. When people ask about my job, I can talk about it again without crying.”


Intensives may be a good fit if you:

  • Are motivated or prefer to work intensively.

  • Have something specific to work on.

  • Want a dedicated period of time to work through a large chunk of your story.

  • Want to go deeper on the memories and symptoms that brought you into therapy.

  • Want to knocking out the “real” work and get on with your life.

  • Want to get in and get out of therapy and move onto the next thing.

  • Have been meaning to get into weekly therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been too hectic.

  • Find that a weekly therapy appointment feels more overwhelming than supportive.

  • Have a felt sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift into a new experience of yourself with your current therapist.

  • Have a cognitive understanding of your own experiences and new insights, but your body hasn’t quite caught up and still responds in old ways.

  • Are a current, weekly client who needs extra, focused support quickly.

  • Need additional support to move through a stumbling block issue before resuming weekly sessions with your primary talk therapist (adjunct EMDR therapy).

  • Want a retreat-style therapeutic experience.

  • Want the best bang for your buck.

“It’s given me confidence to be me, without fear or embarrassment.”



Most people spend years in therapy to treat anxiety or trauma. There’s a better way to do therapy that saves you time and money.

Most Sea Glass clients reach their goals with just 3-12 Intensive EMDR sessions.


5 Day Intensive

Equivalent to 6+ months of traditional therapy.

18 therapy hours + assessments + personalized treatment workbook + curated grounding toolkit + bespoke aromatherapy tools + exclusive resources

How it’s scheduled: Meet virtually each weekday (Monday through Friday) for 3 hours per day.

Ideal for someone who:

  • Wants a retreat-like therapy experience

  • Is excited to take a deep-dive into their goals

  • Is brand new to EMDR therapy

  • Wants to combine EMDR + IFS

  • Has more than one goal for therapy OR has goals involving complex or relational trauma

Total cost: $4,500

3 Day Intensive

Equivalent to 4+ months of traditional therapy.

12 therapy hours + assessments + personalized treatment workbook + curated grounding toolkit + bespoke aromatherapy tools + exclusive resources

How it’s scheduled: Meet virtually for 3 weekdays in one week, for 3 hours per day.

Ideal for someone who:

  • May have a regular weekly therapist

  • Has done EMDR in the past, but it’s been a while

  • Wants to combine EMDR + IFS

  • Is looking to make progress on one very specific goal

Total cost: $2,999

Weekend Intensive

Equivalent to 4+ months of traditional therapy.

12 contact hours + assessments + personalized treatment workbook + curated grounding toolkit + bespoke aromatherapy tools + exclusive resources

How it’s scheduled: Meet virtually for 3 hours per day, Friday through Sunday, in one weekend. Three days (3 hours per day) on Friday through Sunday, in the same weekend. Virtual for adults anywhere in Ohio. In-person may be available for clients local to the greater Columbus, Ohio area or those willing to travel.

Ideal for someone who:

  • Wants retreat- style healing without the hassle using up valuable PTO to attend a long therapy retreat

  • Has a demanding work schedule that makes it difficult to attend therapy regularly during the week

  • Has done EMDR in the past, but it’s been a while

  • Wants to combine EMDR + IFS

  • Is looking to make progress on one well-defined goal

Total cost: $6,295

Your insurance company may cover a portion of the cost of your EMDR Intensive at Sea Glass! We’ll provide paperwork for you to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.

Sea Glass Intensive EMDR clients enjoy priority scheduling and flexible payment options. All packages include 90-minute pre- and post-interviews, virtual intensive EMDR Therapy in 3-hour sessions, a customized EMDR Intensive workbook, and exclusive access to resources.

Reduced pricing is available for current Sea Glass clients and clients engaging in ongoing EMDR Intensive work.

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Alternate Funding Sources for EMDR Intensives


Ohio Crime Victim Compensation Program

The Ohio Crime Victim Compensation Program reimburses qualifying victims for out-of-pocket expenses lost as a direct result of the victimization. If you or your family members are innocent victims of a violent crime, financial assistance may be available. This program pays for a wide range of expenses including medical counseling bills.



Get 6 or 12 months of deferred interest financing for Intensive EMDR sessions with CareCredit. If you already have a CareCredit line of credit, then you’re all set. Just let us know you want to use CareCredit before your first session. You may prequalify for CareCredit with no impact to your credit score.


Why choose Sea Glass for your EMDR Intensive?

EMDR Dublin OH


Not to brag, but we’ve been providing intensive EMDR for years. Our founder was one of the first EMDR therapists in Ohio to start offering EMDR intensives, and has helped lots of other local Ohio practices launch their own intensive EMDR programs.

Sea Glass therapists are not just trained in EMDR - they’re certified by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA), and consultants to other EMDR therapists around the world.

Therapy near Dublin Ohio


We provide treatment recommendations for your whole being. We have relationships with other health and wellness professionals in Ohio to provide you with comprehensive, holistic approaches that extends beyond mental health treatment.

Couples Therapy Dublin Ohio


Research shows online EMDR to be just as effective as in-person. Our online model of intensive EMDR allows for all of the amazing benefits of therapy - without the added hassle of a commute or sitting in an awkward waiting room. All you need is a device with a camera, reliable Internet, and a safe place to engage in sessions.

Because one intensive is equivalent to months of therapy, you save time and money on your mental health treatment.

Therapy for anxiety in Dublin OH


Unparalleled customization. It’s therapy that fits your schedule. Want to meet on the weekend? You’ve got it. Need to add an extra day? Totally. In addition to uniquely targeted treatment interventions, we give our Intensive clients a customized EMDR workbook and grounding toolkit. The best part? They’re yours to keep forever.

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Research on intensive and online EMDR is positive

EMDR Intensives are an interactive personal workshop for trauma healing where we focus on goals for mental health and emotional wellbeing. Learn more here.

Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in clients with PTSD symptoms, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar (or even better!) results, while reducing the risk that clients drop out of treatment prematurely. Learn more here and here.

Intensive EMDR treatment is feasible and is indicative of reliable improvement in PTSD symptoms in a very short time frame. Learn more here. An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD. Learn more here.

Even compared to other trauma therapy, intensive EMDR may decrease treatment time.

In the weekly model of therapy, as much as 10 minutes (or more!) is spent at the beginning and end of each session checking in and closing down, leaving you only about 30 minutes each week to actually focus on the issues at hand. If you have current concerns going on each week, you may never get to what brought you into therapy in the first place.

Online EMDR is just as effective as in-person.

Research shows that online EMDR works just as well as in-person EMDR therapy. Virtual EMDR Intensives in Ohio save valuable time because we don’t spend so much time each week: checking in at the beginning of each session, addressing current crises and concerns (rather than what brought you to treatment in the first place), focusing on stabilizing and coping skills, and closing down at the end of each session. Plus, you don’t have to wait in traffic or worry about who’s in the waiting room with you.

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Your customized EMDR workbook gives you valuable tools & time to prepare for your Intensive.

Designed just for you and your goals

Customized EMDR workbooks are reserved for clients choosing EMDR Therapy Intensives at Sea Glass Counseling and Consultation. Most clients find that their workbook adds significant value to their experience and enhances the work they do in their EMDR Intensive.

Your EMDR Therapy Intensive workbook allows you to:

  • connect with your EMDR therapist prior to us working together

  • accelerate faster through earlier phases of EMDR Therapy, giving you more space and time to get to reprocessing phases during your EMDR Intensive sessions

  • have something tangible to bring with you to future therapy sessions after our work together is completed

  • have a memento of the hard work you’ve put into your own emotional healing and wellbeing

How to use your EMDR Intensive workbook

Your workbook will be sent to you prior to your session, and you’ll have at least 1 week to complete it. Send your completed workbook back to your EMDR therapist for their review. We’ll use this as a guide to create an even more personalized EMDR Intensive experience for you and accelerate your EMDR therapy treatment.
